Cooking in eastern Africa: spices of the habesha cooking culture (Eritrea and Ethiopia)

Habesha Food by Birlin

Berbere and the taste of the horn of Africa

From sensual to tasty to spicy: the spices of Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisine: Berbere is the taste of the Horn of Africa.

There are also countless spices – hardly known beyond the borders of East Africa – that make a Habesha dish so characteristic and so tasty.

The spices of Ethiopia and Eritrea are found in this form in no other region in Africa. Berbere is not widespread even in the rest of Africa. In Ethiopia and Eritrea there is hardly a meat dish that does not use the ground spice. You can find out what this spicy mixture of spices is all about here!

Ginger, coriander, cinnamon, coffee, vanilla – many spices and luxury foods have become so natural to us that hardly anyone cares about their origins. In addition to India, Africa has always played a central role in growing and trading spices. Pepper from East Africa was so precious at times that it was balanced with gold.

The spices make the Eritrean and Ethiopian cuisine so special

But especially the Habesha cuisine, which has its origins in Ethiopia and Eritrea, is home to some spices and spice mixtures that many may still be completely unfamiliar with.

It is time to raise this rich treasure!

The main spices of Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisine



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The traditional Berbere

Berbere is one of the hottest Ethiopian spice blends. The essential components of the berbere are chili, ginger, garlic, coriander, clove and allspice.

The Berbere spice mix is an important part of the Ethiopian dish Doro Wat and many other recipes. This dish consists of chicken pieces (with bones), which are served with a spicy-hot sauce with the berber. Injera, Ethiopian millet flatbread, and chicken are then dipped in the sauce. This Berbere recipe is a must for anyone who loves Ethiopian cuisine.
Berbere is used as a spice mixture when cooking, for seasoning when eating, as well as a paste or processed into a sauce.

Let yourself be inspired by our recipes!

Spicy recipes from the Eritrean / Ethiopian cuisine



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